Thursday, April 3, 2008

Free Hugs at Tugu Negara, Sunday 6 April

Hello people!

Many thanks for those who came to support us (the bands, Fairuz, and us) during Motion Picture Soundtrack 4! We hope we did a good job at entertaining those who came with our humble attempt at live visuals.

Despite the suggestions, I have yet to find myself a pack of apple chips :-(
I am quite convinced now that it is officially extinct (in Malaysia/Klang Valley).
Give me a light of hope, buy me one and give it to me if you see me.

Anywho, this fortnight's Thing-of-the-Fortnight is... *drumroll*

The Free Hugs at Tugu Negara thing which is happening THIS SUNDAY!!! 6th of April to be exact.
Do come and offer your warmest hugs.
For those who don't know/remember, Tugu Drum Circle have their own thing going on there every Sunday, so if you have some sort of percussion-thing (I don't know what you call them thingies), come and release your inner musical prodigy.
Or something.
For more information on the free hugs, please click this, this and this.
To see all the types of hugs you can offer, click this.
I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your support. :)